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Our activities


We are one of the larger gas producers in the Dutch sector of the North Sea and have been active in the region from the early seventies. 

We operate 15 offshore facilities including two gas treatment facilities and 4 subsea installations. Our projects span the entire exploration and production value chain; from exploration to decommissioning.  

The Dutch North Sea has the potential to become a ‘new energy hub’, given its existing infrastructure connecting offshore with onshore. Together with Shell, Gasunie and EBN, TotalEnergies is participating in the Aramis project, a large-scale CO transport and storage service.  
As TotalEnergies EP Nederland B.V. we are developing CO
storage capacity in depleted gas fields connected to the Aramis system.  


Our production

The Dutch North Sea is considered a mature area and gas production from TotalEnergies EP Nederland’s assets has been facing a steep decline in the recent years. Innovative solutions to boost production from existing wells as well as a more efficient operating mode to reduce our operational costs have been pushing the point at which we can no longer produce our reserves economically forward. 


Our operating mode 

The Full Intervention Mode (FIM) aims to have all offshore platforms operating in intervention mode, meaning they will only be manned during maintenance campaigns. TotalEnergies EP Nederland was the first affiliate in the Company to implement this concept.  

We continue to build on the good initiatives already in place: preparing the regular maintenance onshore and carrying it out during seasonal campaigns. The extended use of a Walk-to-Work vessel will further lower the number of helicopter flights, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. 

We have demonstrated that higher efficiency can go hand in hand with safety, as proven by our excellent safety track record. Since platforms used for CO storage will also be operated in an unmanned mode, ARAMIS will benefit greatly from the experience we will gain from the Full Intervention Mode.  



Once our gas production comes to an end and as last part of the exploration and production value chain, it is our responsibility to decommission our installations in a safe manner, securing the highest possible recycling rate of materials. 


The L7 site restitution project 

In 2017, after having produced gas for more than 40 years, production from the L7 block was no longer economically viable. The installations that are part of this block, were put in a so called ‘light house mode’ while we started our preparations to fully decommission the installations. In 2022 the project was sanctioned and in 2023 the real decommissioning works have taken off. The works are expected to be finalized in 2024. 
Click here for all information regarding this project.